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LIVE Tonight !!!

Posted in WYH News by Neal at 00:56, Dec 13 2013

Tomorrow is Friday is the 13th! That means we are bringing to you a BONUS PODCAST on THURSDAY NIGHT leading into Friday the 13th!

We'll also be hosting the FIRST NIGHT of the 13 DARK DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!

Perfect timing, is it not?

We will be showing horror holiday favorite


We will be hosting the movie via Google Plus so make up some Google account if you don't already have one. Come early to get some help with the tech if you aren't already familiar.

We will also be showing day one of the Lenzkrich Advent. Thanks to our friends and former guests Eric Gross, Eric Fabiaschi and Tim Dry !!

Listen to us and see you later!

Chat Live via Facebook:
WYH Facebook

Listen live links:

Call in 1 (508) 413-3144 or Skype WithoutYourHead

Blair Richardson

Posted in Past Shows by Neal at 20:47, Dec 06 2013


Blair Richardson, independent horror director, talking about her new short film "Kitty Kitty".

Blair Richardson Download

Live tonight !!!

Posted in WYH News by Neal at 23:32, Dec 05 2013

We open with Blair Richardson, indie director of "Kitty Kitty"

Plus the usual madness you have come to expect from us !!! Live 9PM EST 6PM PST.

Chat Live via Facebook:
WYH Facebook

Listen live links:

Call in 1 (508) 413-3144 or Skype WithoutYourHead

Happy Thanksgiving !!!

Posted in Dinner & A Movie by Neal at 20:47, Nov 28 2013

Dinner & A Movie do Troll 2 !!!

Posted in Dinner & A Movie by Neal at 15:12, Nov 24 2013

Deborah Reed & George Hardy

Posted in Past Shows by Neal at 09:01, Nov 24 2013


We opened the show with "The Troll 2 Queen" Deborah Reed and "The Dad" George Hardy of the cult classic Troll 2 !!!

Deborah Reed & George Hardy of Troll 2 Download

Secret Satan Gift Exchange !!!

Posted in WYH News by Neal at 01:18, Nov 22 2013

Troll 2 Stars LIVE Tonight !!!

Posted in WYH News by Neal at 11:40, Nov 21 2013

We open with Troll 2 stars George "The Dad" Hardy and Deborah "Troll Queen" Reed with special guest host Blair Richardson, indie director of "Kitty Kitty"

Plus the usual madness you have come to expect from us !!! Live 9PM EST 6PM PST.

Chat Live via Facebook:
WYH Facebook

Listen live links:

Call in 1 508 644 8503

Halloween 2013

Posted in Past Shows by Neal at 12:42, Nov 09 2013



Neal Jones and Annabelle Lecter opened the show with a ton of topics in the horror world including remakes, scary films, dolls and more.

Then we were joined by Kevin Tyler Preston the front man of Prima Donna, the artisit of the month for October 2013 on WYH.

Twitter @primadonnaband
Bless this mess CD

Duckman and the Terrible One Troy Jones joined us for the comic segment, and other news including American Horror Story, Hannibal Lecter handbags, the closing of Blockbuster and more.

Then we went over our Halloween 2013 highlights and picked the winners of the Pumpkin and Costume contests. Rounding out the show with Annabelle and Neal's Dungeons and Dragons alignment ?!?!

Thanks to Dead Dick Hammer the artist of the month for November 2013 !!!


Posted in WYH News by Neal at 00:04, Nov 08 2013

Without Your Head returns tonight with our Halloween highlights...including the winners of the Pumpkin Carving and Costume contests !!!

Please call in with your Halloween memories 1 508 644 8503

We will also be joined by the front man for October's artist of the month Prima Donna.

Then the WYH crew will go over the horror world.

Plus the usual madness you have come to expect from us !!! Live 9PM EST 6PM PST.

Chat Live via Facebook:
WYH Facebook

Listen live links:

Call in 1 508 644 8503

Skype JackNOff

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Showing 10 items per page.

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Atlanta, Ga.

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